
Free Online Anger Management Denver-Aurora, CO

Free Online Anger Management Class for Denver-Aurora, CO you get a no cost ebook and 3 free class to control your anger a certificate that is court approved in Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and Clayton counties is an additional charge.

We can help with your Legal obligation for anger management classes

Our 8hr and 12hr online anger management class, Denver-Aurora, CO is a holistic program where our focus is on changing your outlook on life by equipping you with a brilliant set of tools so that you can harness your built up energy and channel it productively.

The first step to dealing with anger is recognizing how problematic this emotion is. We believe Aristotle’s way of thinking that anger is not always bad. If one is angry at the right time and in the right context, then anger can sometimes be justified. Aristotle Ian’s claimed that virtue lies in navigating the middle course between extremes. Concerning anger, they thought that the virtuous compromise is good temper, which lies between the unvirtuous poles of a racer bility.

That is too much anger and lack of spirit. That is too little anger. However, according to the Stoics, there is no such thing as a good degree of anger, but it doesn’t mean that one has to be passive in the face of injustice. Human nature for the Stoics is that of a social animal capable of reason. It follows that to live according to nature means to apply one’s reason to social living. Anger is unreasonable and it damages society.

Hence it is unnatural. In the stoic sense, Seneca thought that anger was a vise with few, if any exceptions. The three main reasons Seneca lists r1 anger – makes you a slave when were angry, we’re a slave to that anger, we’re more likely to make mistakes that we’ll end up regretting later anger blinds us to the future and the consequences of our actions in the moment effectively. Overriding our rational or higher selves and making us slaves to our own subconscious anger makes us act in a way that feels gratifying in the short term, but takes us away from our long term.

Ideals to anger cannot be slowed down according to Seneca. Anger is a binary emotion. The emotion of anger has a forward momentum that is far more extreme than other emotions. The moment you realize you’re angry you’re already under its control when you’re in the middle of acting out anger, you don’t pay attention to any other course of action and move headlong into a path of destruction and chaos.

You don’t want to be calm when you’re angry anger justifies its own existence and three anger is contagious. Seneca says that anger influences a mob like behavior. Anger is well known for its ability to spread through a social group more than any other passion, and when anger is present, the individuals become one larger angry organism and seem to work perfectly together with the unified vision of havoc.

Now that we know how destructive anger is, we need to lessen our attachment to this emotion, pushing away from anger or disliking. It is just the start, but we also need some end goal to move toward that goal. According to the stoic philosophy of life, is the attainment of tranquillity, which is the state of peace and quiet number, to recognize your anger triggers and learn to control them in the words of Seneca, and so the best course is to treat the sickness as soon as It becomes apparent at that time as well giving oneself the least freedom of speech and curbing emotion.


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