
👍New Hope’s D.O.E.P

abuseThe Texas Department of State Health Services has approved New Hope Drug Offender Education Program.  Our certification number is DOEP 1378 and the Program Administrator is Clausell Stokes. The standardized program is 15 hours in length, conducted over a period of 5 days, 3 hours each day. Offenders on probation will receive a discount.

New Hope’s Drug Offender Education Program is designed to increase the knowledge of drug/alcohol offenders by education.

Eligibility for New Hope’s D.O.E.P

Individuals mandated through the Texas Department of Public Safety convicted of a felony or misdemeanor drug offense; those who are convicted of an offense against properties who are referred by a judge; those who are referred by a Community Supervision and Correction Department (CSCD) officer; those who are referred by their employer (Employee Assistance Programs) or anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge regarding substance abuse. A minimum of 3 participants are needed to conduct class.

Q&A – Will my P.O. or Referral Source  receive a report that I’m attending the program? (Yes)

  • An enrollment notification report will be sent within 24 hours of intake
  • A weekly attendance reports is sent on Saturday of each week, via fax or email and
  • No Shows are sent within 24 hrs. of missed session
  • A monthly report of an individual’s progress will be sent by the 5th of each month
  • A certificate of completion. will be sent within 24 hours of completing course requirements
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