

Clients seeking to find direction and fulfillment in life benefit from our Psychological Counseling and Therapy Services. Our experienced team of Licensed Professional Counselors and Masters Level Social Workers offer supportive guidance to those individuals and families who desire to improve their quality of life by breaking out of self-defeating patterns.

Clients gain an understanding of difficulties and learn coping strategies. Relationships are improved through new communication styles that reduce conflict and understanding. Counselors assist clients in developing strategies to obtain goals, improve social skills, as well as encouraging personal responsibility and independence. When needed, counselors help clients access community resources by providing referrals to the appropriate agencies or community groups.

Therapy Settings:

  • Individual Counseling
    The client and counselor meet privately in a one on one setting.
  • Family & Couples Counseling
    Families or couples meet privately with a counselor.
  • Group Therapy
    All Group Therapies are provided in a structured group setting led by a counselor. Clients who share similar difficulties attend them.
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