
3 Anger management techniques for stressful occupations

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Remaining calm: it’s the hardest part of the job. With anger management

Whether it’s a drunken student biting off more than he can chew, or a genuine threat to your safety, security staff are regularly placed in precarious situations that would challenge almost anybody to stay in control.

That’s why these 17 tips are so important. May they help you in your career, as well as your day-to-day life.

1. Start off with Keeping Your Cool anger Management Can Help

Thomas Jefferson famously said, “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” – and he was right. After all, you don’t get to be the President of the United States by angrily overreacting to every little thing you don’t like or can’t control.

…Or maybe you do (Touchè, modern world).

Anyway, we all have our boiling point, but a good way to cool off is to focus on the positive things in your life, instead of caving into the negative. As the saying goes, positivity is a habit that becomes a lifestyle.

If you can relate to the stress-inducing circumstances of your day as simply a minor part of an otherwise good life, you’ll be amazed at how high your tolerance levels can become.

Remember, you’re above all this. The person in front of you may be angry, but you don’t have to share that feeling or join their argument.

You’re a professional doing your job. View their problems from a distance and deal with them in a calm, responsible manner.

2. The Best Methods to Maintaining Your Composure

Maintaining composure is a skill like any other – and, as such, it can be learned, even mastered, by anyone.

The trick is not to let yourself crack, and if you do start to crack, to not let the other person see it. Now is the time to work on that poker face.

Here are a few other ways you can stay cool, calm and collected.

Don’t take things personally Anger Management Can Help

The person insulting you doesn’t know who you are or care anything about you. They are trying to make things personal, but they can only do this if you allow them to.

Do not give in to fear Anger Management Can Help

Have faith in your training, your colleagues and, above all, yourself. Trust that the situation will be resolved soon and don’t let doubts and anxieties sway you from that belief.

Speak clearly and act decisively Anger Management Can Help

Commit to a course of action and make good on any punitive measures you’ve threatened. Remain dispassionate and analytical. Such actions are the essence of composure.

3. Think Before you Act Speak

Words are powerful things; they shape our reality and sculpt our self-image. The right words can enhance the majesty of great moments (“I have a dream”, “that’s one small step for man” etc) and the wrong words can wreak absolute havoc on a person’s life.

Using factual, polite and non-inflammatory statements can help to diffuse a situation, as can the subtle replacement of accusations with questions.

Your words will help to determine what a person thinks of you, so if you speak clearly and ask questions, you can often find a peaceful resolution to a potentially explosive situation.

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