
The 5 signs ‘silent’ anger is making you sick – from a splitting headache to a dodgy tummy

BRITS are more angered than ever – with three in four of us feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope.

hivesAnd the effects of anger can seriously impact our bodies, increasing the body’s inflammatory reactions – causing a whole host of unpleasant health issues.

With millions of days lost every year to anger, scientists also found last year that happy people generally have healthier hearts – and shockingly, the risk of heart attacks and strokes soar by over half if you are angered.

While some symptoms may be obvious, others linked to anger may surprise you.

Here, we look at the eight “silent” signs anger is making you sick – and what to do to fix it.

Your weight starts to fluctuate Anger Management Can Help

Anger often makes you take up unhealthy behaviors such as overeating or underrating.

Doctor Shanna Levine said: “Anger triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which impairs your body’s ability to process blood sugar and changes the way you metabolize fat, protein, and crabs, which can lead to weight gain or loss.”

Experts suggest snacking on nuts if you notice this happening – as they’re packed with magnesium which seems to help keep cortisol levels low.

On top of this, the fiber will fill you up if you’ve been gorging on food and the protein will help if you’re under-eating.

Broccoli is also a great thing to add to your diet as it’s high in folic acid, which aids anger reduction.

You keep getting headaches Anger Management

If you’ve never suffered from headaches but suddenly your head is constantly throbbing, you may be overly angered.

Anger releases chemicals that can cause changes to nerves and blood vessels in the brain, which brings on a headache.

It can also trigger migraines or make them worse as it’s common for your muscles to tense up when you’re angered.

If you don’t want to take ibuprofen, try dabbing lavender oil or peppermint oil on your temples when a headache starts.

Drinking water is also one of the simplest and most effective home remedies for headaches as dehydration leads to a loss of fluid from the brain.

You break out in itchy red bumps Anger Management Can Help

Lots of people break out in itchy red bumps known as hives when you’re angered.

If your body has been under excessive anger your immune system begins to struggle and your body starts releasing the chemical histamine to fight off your ailment.

If the anger doesn’t go away, you essentially develop an allergic reaction and, boom, you’re covered in hives.

When your immune system is weakened by anger, your skin can also become irritated by things it never used to be sensitive to, such as soap, cold or heat, lotions, or laundry detergent.

Experts suggest putting a cool, damp towel on the affected area and if that doesn’t work taking an antihistamine.

Your brain feels fuzzy Anger Management Can Help

Anger can make you feel mentally sick as well as physically poorly.

Too much of the anger hormone cortisol can make it harder to focus or concentrate, causing memory problems as well as anxiety or depression.

When this happens, the best thing to do is take some time out and relax until you regain your focus.

Try closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly, concentrating only on your breath.

You’ve broken out in spots Anger Management Can Help

If your face is suddenly a mess of pimples, anger might be causing your breakouts.

When you’re angered, not only is it likely you’ll be touching your face more often but your body pumps out more hormones, like cortisol, which causes skin glands to produce more oil.

This excess oil can get trapped inside hair follicles, along with dirt and dead skin cells, producing acne.

Topical creams containing benzoyl peroxide or Salicylic acid can clear up acne if applied regularly.

For a more natural approach, wash your face with green tea or dab on some pure aloe as their antibacterial properties can promote healing.

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