
8 skills to boost happiness and banish anger

Anger Management HoustonChoose from this “buffet of skills,” as Moskowitz calls them, to find the ones that help make you happy:

1. Recognize a positive event each day. Sometimes it’s easy to be consumed with all the stressful things going on in your life, but take time to find at least one good thing. Maybe it’s something as simple as a pretty flower or a good cup of coffee.

2. Savor positive events. Tell someone about them, log them in a journal or share them on social media. Sharing can help you enjoy good things longer.

3. Start a daily gratitude journal. Keep track of the things that you’re thankful for. Writing them down makes you realize how many good things you have in your life, and you can revisit them at any time.

4. Identify one of your personal strengths. Do this every day and think about how you’ve used that strength recently.

5. Set a reachable goal each day and make sure to keep track of your progress. Don’t make the goal too extreme, so you won’t get frustrated if you’re not there yet.

6. Think of a relatively minor stressor that happened. Then come up with ways that it can be reframed in a new way. This is called “positive reappraisal” and it’s basically a way to find the silver lining in a situation. For example, if you forgot your lunch, think that it’s an excuse to spend time eating out with a friend. If you’re stuck in traffic, consider it quiet time to think.

7. Practice a small act of kindness each day. Research shows there are so many emotional and physical benefits from being nice to other people.

8. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to daily experiences. You can also try a daily 10-minute breathing exercise, concentrating on your breathing to help focus and calm your mind.

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