
Online Anger Classes 8-24 hours

The NuHopeCare Online Anger Classes for the U.S. are designed to promote awareness and understanding of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and negative behaviors associated with, or as a result of anger. This awareness and understanding of anger is the catalyst for potential change. These online lessons assist individuals in facilitating practical application and integration of positive behavioral strategies when faced with anger. NuHopeCare Anger Management lessons are fun and interactive, using video, animations, crossword puzzles to make you aware of your behavior. A significant benefit for Anger Management Online is flexibility. You can work at your own pace, which enables a student to take classes without relocating or sacrificing job or family commitments. Online learning can benefit those who need timely training or who would learn better without the rigid structure of a traditional program. Our classes are State approved. 

Online Anger Classes NuHopeCare for the U.S. counties Anger Management Courses 8,12,16 and 24 hour blocks are design to satisfy all state mandated requirements because of the advanced technology Online Training and Certificate System that allows you to complete the courses using your smart phone and interface with your face book account. The course lessons covers topics like: Basic Concepts, Anger Cues & Triggers, Anger Control Plans, the Aggression Cycle, Cognitive Restructuring, Assertiveness Training, Conflict Resolution, and more.

Our online certificate courses are accepted by most U.S. cities, and have been used to meet court-ordered requirements in the following  U.S. states and territories: Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, , Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C. and Wisconsin. Your online anger classes will make a difference in the way you deal with conflict.

Take Free 8hr Online Anger Class

[learn_more caption=”There are many reasons to take Online Anger classes “]

Online Anger Classes

  1. Court Mandate A court may suggest the need for Anger Education classes. There are ways to communicate and behave in a court environment. Anger Education classes assist individuals in having a basic awareness and understanding on appropriate social interaction. Online Anger Classes can help.
  2. Probationary Conditions An invested third party may find it necessary for an individual to take Anger Education classes as part of their probation. This allows officials and those on probation to have a baseline understanding of how communication can be structured when dealing with each other.Online Anger Classes can help.
  3. Work Related There are stressors in a work environment that can evoke feelings of anger. Anger Education classes can assist managers and employees on how to deal with anger in the work place.
  4. Professional Training Those in the human resource profession will benefit greatly from taking Anger Education classes. The information offered will assist those interfacing with the public to communicate effectively and handle resistant customer with respect and ease. Online Anger Classes can help.
  5. Personal Gain The principles offered through this class work assist individuals in personal awareness and understanding. Through this insight communication within primary and secondary relationships is strengthened. One is able to actively listen and express clearly in an effective manner. Online Anger Classes can help. [ Register for the 8,12,16, or 24 hour class now ] [/learn_more]
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    What is anger? | This Emotional Life What is the definition of anger?…. Anger is an emotion with a wide range of intensity , from mild irritation to frustration and rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat

    Anger – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ….Anger is an emotion related to one’s psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation.

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