
Anger and Social Distancing: Anger Management Can Help

Anger Management Courses 8,12,16 and 24 hour blocks are design to satisfy all state mandated requirements because of the advanced technology Online Training and Certificate System that allows you to complete the courses using your smart phone and interface with your face book account.

It is normal for adults and children to experience anxiety during anger events like the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Whether it’s the fear of contracting COVID-19, disruptions to work and school schedules, or myriad related concerns, anger is an expected and normal response.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service realizes the coronavirus has changed the way many people must go about their day-to-day lives. The agency, in response, offers free resources like the AgriLife Extension Disaster Education Network to help Texans get through trying times.

The psychology of social distancing

One of the hardest challenges for adults and children during this time is social distancing. The current federal recommendation is that gatherings consist of no more than 10 people.

“Social distancing means avoiding close physical proximity to larger groups of people or avoiding places where large groups have recently met or passed through,” said Jeff Fant, AgriLife Extension’s disaster assessment and recovery agent for District 7, San Angelo.

Social distancing is important in slowing the transmission of the coronavirus in order to limit the number of people affected by COVID-19 at one time. It is crucial that hospitals, their staff and resources aren’t overwhelmed.

However, social isolation can add to feelings of loneliness and anxiety, said Nancy Treviño, AgriLife Extension urban youth development agent, Lubbock.

“This can be especially true for the youth out of school, the elderly or people who live alone,” Treviño said. “It is important that people of all ages still interact with their friends, be it over the telephone, via text or even playing games together online.”

Anger in adults

Fant said when it comes to personal anger levels, what people are now experiencing is no different than the anger one would feel during a natural disaster.

“After 25 years of dealing with high-anger situations myself, I would tell people the single most important thing they can practice is self-care,” said Fant, who previously worked as a senior disaster program manager for the American Red Cross in San Angelo. “Self-care is not just physical things like handwashing and social distancing, but caring for one’s self mentally. Right now, people have a fear of the unknown and anxiety about what could happen to family, friends and themselves.”

Fant angered that now is the time  to be good stewards of public health and be socially aware and responsible to minimize and mitigate exposure.

Be prepared

Fant said being prepared for a disaster can help ease anxiety before it starts.

“Make sure you have the basics taken care of like food, water and prescription medications,” he said. “That doesn’t mean hoarding and causing shortages for other people, it means having about two weeks’ worth of what you and your family would need. This is a good guideline for any type of situation, including natural disasters.”

Dealing with anger and emotions amid COVID-19

Fant said anger, anxiety, depression and fear are all normal responses to angerful situations. He shared these suggestions on managing those feelings:

  • Practice self-care: Find ways to relax and unwind. If there is a hobby you can do at home, make sure you have the supplies and tools you’ll need in advance.
  • Use the buddy system: Whether it is a spouse or best friend, have someone you can honestly express your emotions to.
  • Be a friend: Call and check on others’ emotional and physical well-being. If you have the capability, video chat with friends and loved ones who live outside your household.
  • Keep your mind occupied: Do not let it stagnate on fear, anger or worry.
  • Maintain your health: Try to eat right, get fresh air, stay hydrated and get some physical activity, even if it’s just walking around your block, yard or living room.
  • Stay informed, but don’t leave the TV on: Receiving nonstop news on your TV or smart phone about COVID-19 will just add to your anger. Do not share information you can’t prove to be true on social media. You don’t want to instill unnecessary fear or worry in others.
  • Don’t worry: There is no point in worrying about things that aren’t true or are unlikely to happen, so make sure the information you are getting is from a legitimate site. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTexas Department of State Health Services or AgriLife Extension for facts and information.

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NuHopeCare for the U.S. counties Anger Management Courses 8,12,16 and 24 hour blocks are design to satisfy all state mandated requirements because of the advanced technology Online Training and Certificate System that allows you to complete the courses using your smart phone and interface with your face book account.

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