
Anger is a Major Issue in Recovery

Anger is a major issue in recovery through sex, work, alcohol, food or drugs, addicts seek escape from their emotions and surroundings. Addictions have long been linked with anger and aggression. Alcohol and drugs can lower inhibitions and be an excuse for bad behavior. Addictive substances can fuel destructive rages, allowing people to express their anger in abusive ways, or they can be a way to dampen unwanted or overpowering feelings.

Historically, substance recovery and support groups have often counseled people in recovery from addiction to avoid situations where they feel angry. Recovering addicts can be overwhelmed by emotions that are raw and new. The recovery process can also bring up past traumas which have been suppressed by addictive behavior. Being in recovery is an anger condition. An addict is deprived of the crutches they have relied on and has to face the issues they spent years and energy avoiding. Anger is a major issue in gaining sobriety and it can be a cause of relapse.

Alcoholics Anonymous addresses Anger is a major issue in recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous (see also 12 Step Groups)

Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA or A.A., is the original 12 Step group. It consists of men and women who come together voluntarily to achieve and maintain sobriety. The goal is total abstinence from alcohol, one day at a time. The method consists of meetings and working the 12 Steps. The 12 Steps are found in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as the Big Book.

Meetings or groups are found in almost every country of the world. They range in size from a few people, to as many as 100 or more. Most groups meet once a week. Meeting styles include: speaker meetings where one or two members share the story of their alcoholism and recovery from a podium; discussion meetings where members share their experience with a particular topic, and step studies where members discuss their experience working with the 12 Steps. There are also Big Book studies and meetings for special interest groups like women only, men only, gay and lesbian only, etc. All meetings are based, one-way or another, on the sharing of members experience, strength and hope. Because Anger is a major issue in recovery this is a place that can help.

Membership in AA is informal. A person becomes a member when they decide they want to stop drinking and begin attending meetings. There is no registration; no attendance is taken, although the group’s secretary may note the number of people in the room. The commitment to anonymity is taken seriously and people can attend AA meetings with little fear that others, outside the meetings, will find out they have joined.

Related links: Alcoholics Anonymous

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Anger is a major issue in recovery

Anger is a major issue in recovery

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