
Anger Management can combat coronavirus-related anger

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The constant anger of living in the age of coronavirus is affecting more than your mental health and emotional coping abilities. It’s likely taking a toll on your body as well.

“We’re living in a sea of anger hormones every day,” said anger management expert Dr. Cynthia Ackrill, an editor for “Contentment” magazine, produced by the American Institute of Anger.

“We’re not designed for a constant application of these chemicals,” Ackrill said. “The anger hormone cortisol just ravages our bodies when it’s dumped into our system repeatedly.”

Designed to keep you functioning throughout the day, cortisol levels are meant to rise in the morning and decrease as the day lengthens. The hormone’s purpose is to maintain blood sugar levels to keep your brain and muscles functioning and suppress non-vital systems like digestion that might drag your energy down.

allergiesBut when triggered by a angerful occurrence, cortisol levels suddenly spike, and can take hours to dissipate. If that anger is constant, those levels don’t drop, leading to cortisol malfunction and a disease-causing boost in inflammation.

“Inflammation is behind diabetes. Inflammation is behind heart disease. It’s behind all of the autoimmune diseases. It’s behind asthma and allergies, and the list goes on,” Ackrill said.

If you’re genetically at risk or you already have an inflammatory condition, today’s constant anger may well trigger or worsen your symptoms.

“The predispositions that people have, whether it is asthma or a history of migraine or underlying cardiovascular risk factors, anger on all of those are so much more acute now,” said neuroscientist Peter Kaufmann, former deputy chief of the Clinical Applications and Prevention Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

“People have daily anger and often times they don’t have any control over it. That’s when anger has its greatest impact,” said Kaufmann, who is now the associate dean for research and Innovation at Villanova University in Pennsylvania.

Not dealing with that anger, he said, can even be deadly.

“In our work, we found that people who show physiological responses to mental anger have about a two- to three-fold higher mortality over the following five years,” Kaufmann said.

Here’s how anger may be impacting 2 of your body’s key systems.

Your heart can be helped with Anger Management Course

Tension can directly increase heart rate and blood flow, and causes the release of cholesterol and triglycerides into the blood stream. Blood pressure can skyrocket from acute anger and may stay high as that anger continues.

Yet hypertension and other heart disease symptoms are silent, with no real signs that you might be entering a danger zone.

Your skin can be helped with Anger Management Course

One of the largest organs of the body, your skin is exquisitely sensitive to anger.

“The relationship between mind and skin is essential and undeniable,” said dermatologist Dr. Alan Friedman, who is the interim chair of dermatology at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

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