
Anger Management for probation requirement

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The American diet has always been in the spotlight for playing a role in high obesity and chronic diseases rates. Since the start of the pandemic, the situation has gotten worse as more folks have been turning to junk food.

A new study published in MDPI reveals that 52% of Americans have been consuming more unhealthy snacks and desserts since the start of the pandemic, and this is a major concern for health experts.

Michigander, Philip Bauman says, before the pandemic, he was eating healthy, but once COVID hit, the 32-year-old’s life dived into the world of junk food. When asked what the driving factor was, Philip said, “I guess seasonal depression, your home, your bored, what else do you do,”

That’s pretty much everyone’s story since the pandemic hit. Dr. Mark Mincolla, a Nutritional Therapist, says increased anger levels over the last two years have translated to more folks packing unhealthy calories.

“They look for addictive components, addictive foods, sugar, junk food, starches, and they become addicted to the quick instant gratification,” said Mincolla.

Ascension Michigan Weight Loss Dietician Kristy Stevenson describes junk food as anything edible with very little to no nutrients.

Making smart food choices is key for a healthy lifestyle

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