
Anger Management for Triggers (Free Classes)

The first three classes are free and will help you with your anger.

Anger Management classes for probation requirements 8,12,16 or 24 hour classes are design to satisfy all probation and court requirements in counties. To continue you can pay with CashApp, Venmo or use your credit card with PayPal.

Something or someone will always trigger your anger. Anger does not just happen to you. You must identify what is triggering your anger so that you can take the most appropriate action. When you are aware of your anger triggers you can avoid these as much as possible.

Frustration can cause Anger

We all get frustrated at times and this can result in elevated anger levels. If you are always feeling that you are not moving forward with your life then your frustration levels are going to increase. Other people will often promise to do something and then not deliver on this which can be a cause of much frustration for you.

Your own personality traits can cause you to become frustrated. Maybe you want to achieve something but keep sabotaging yourself. Think about what causes you to get frustrated as it is likely that this will trigger your anger.

Your Workplace can Trigger Anger

It is common for people that suffer from anger to experience a lot of triggers at their place of work or business. Experiencing some anger at work is normal. But if there are triggers that cause your anger to elevate then you must identify what these are.

Being a business owner can be very angerful and jobs are becoming more demanding. Deadlines need to be met and many tasks completed and all of this can overwhelm you. Take the time out to make a note of any work or business anger triggers.

A lack of Money can Trigger your Anger

Not having enough money is a common anger trigger. People tend to worry about their financial situation more than anything else. Most people are not in control of their money so are constantly surprised when it runs out.

Life is full of surprises and you are going to experience unexpected problems that require money to fix them. Problems with your health, your car, or your home are all examples of this. Make a conscious effort to identify anger triggers related to money.

Relationship Problems Can Trigger your Anger

If you are experiencing problems in your relationship then this can trigger your anger. Relationships are complex and many things can go wrong. Feeling that your partner is not being true to you is a common anger trigger. There is a lot of emotion invested in relationships which is why any problems can trigger anger.

Negative people can Trigger your Anger

We all have negative people in our circle of family and friends. These people like to burden others with their problems. If you are around these people then they can trigger your anger. It is not possible for you to completely avoid negative people but work to minimize your contact with them. Make a note of anything that these people say or do to trigger your anger.

Continuous Bad news can Trigger your Anger

Bad news is everywhere these days and it is now easier to find it than it ever was before. The Internet and smartphones have ensured that a lot of bad news is easily accessible to you whenever you want it.

A new term called “dooms crolling” has emerged where people are constantly looking for more and more bad news. They are regular visitors to news sites and social media platforms to find the latest bad news. If you are doing this then it is likely to trigger your anger.

The first three classes are free and will help you with your anger.

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