
Anger Management in the Work Place

Anger Management in the Work Place

Much of the anger that individuals are dealing with is caused by their workplace. Too many employees have to deal with job overload and the consequence of this is too much anger. This can result in burn out and sickness, with employees having to take weeks off to recover. How can you avoid becoming a victim of this?

Dealing with a heavy workload results in employees working longer hours. They spend less time with their families and are always feeling as though they are behind. At work and at home things don’t get completed and relationships start to suffer.

To manage an increasing workload your first step is to find out exactly what your employer expects of you. It could be time to have a new job description drawn up or it may require the addition of another employee.

Anger Management in the Work Place

You may want to write down each job or task that you do each day, week and month. Document this for at least a month and then show your report to your supervisor. They may not be aware of just how much work they have put on you. Unless you show them nothing is likely to get changed. You are not complaining about your job, you are just showing your manager that there is no way you can get everything done.

By sitting down with your supervisor and manager and discussing your documentation with them they will most likely be very understanding. Help will be provided and this will reduce your anger levels immensely.

Once you know what you are expected to do then it is time to look at time management. This involves knowing how to effectively handle your workload and get tasks completed. One further step here is to prioritize by importance each task. This can be done by drawing up a to-do list and then sticking to it.

Many offices and job sites today have full time employees in certain areas like photocopying and in the mailroom. Take advantage of this and use these employees instead of trying to become a one man show.

If possible you should also look at delegating tasks to junior staff members. Again you are just using resources that are available to you.

By dealing with the anger from your workplace your home life and relationships will improve. There is no need to suffer in silence. Remember stress can be a killer and you don’t want to become a statistic.

Anger Management in the Work Place

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