
Anger and the Super Bowl:Tips to stay calm

Do you lose your temper when watching the Super Bowl? Are there times when you feel like you just angry at the players and everyone around you?

Some of it may be the changes team is going through doing Super Bowl: All those bad calls and injures you hear so much about can cause mood swings and confused emotions. Some of it may be real or imaginary: People who are under a lot of pressure tend to get angry more easily. Part of it may be your personality: You may be someone who feels your emotions intensely or tends to act impulsively or lose control when your team is down.. And part of it may be your role models: Maybe you’ve seen other people in your family blow a fuse when they’re mad.

No matter what pushes your buttons, one thing is certain — you’re sure to get angry sometimes when watching the Super Bowl Game. Everyone does. Anger is a normal emotion, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling mad. What counts is how we handle it (and ourselves) when we’re angry.

Tools to Tame a Temper doing the Super Bowl game

Because anger can be powerful, managing it is sometimes challenging. It takes plenty of self-awareness and self-control to manage angry feelings. And these skills take time to develop.

Self-awareness is the ability to notice what you’re feeling and thinking, and why. Little kids aren’t very aware of what they feel, they just act it out in their behavior. That’s why you see them having tantrums when they’re mad. But teens have the mental ability to be self-aware. When you get angry, take a moment to notice what you’re feeling and thinking.

Self-control is all about thinking before you act. It puts some precious seconds or minutes between feeling a strong emotion and taking an action you’ll regret.

Together, self-awareness and self-control allow you to have more choice about how to act when watching the Super Bowl and you’re feeling an intense emotion like anger.

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Anger and the Super Bowl

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