
Anxiety or Anger the Christian’s Way

Anxiety or AngerAnxiety or Anger affects everyone at some level.  We get stressed and we rush around.  In spite of our technological advances that make our life “easier,” we don’t seem to be free from the stress factor.  Stress and  Anxiety or Anger can really move in a direction than can be quite scary.  We may not even know that we are experiencing  Anxiety or Anger .  A third of everyone will suffer from some kind of  Anxiety or Anger disorder.  How do we know we have an  Anxiety or Anger  disorder?

The Symptoms of  Anxiety or Anger

  • General nervousness
  • Thinking and over-analyzing too much
  • Body sensations of rapid heart-beat, difficulty breathing, sweating, breaking out in cold sweat and shakiness
  • Hyperventilating
  • Predicting the worst and “future tripping” (what if?. . )
  • Intrusive and obsessional thoughts, usually about safety issues, or horribly embarrassing thoughts
  • Worrying and not being able to think positively
  • Feelings of “out of control” and that one is going lose one’s mind
  • Self doubt

You may experience some of these symptoms or possibility all of them.  Feelings of embarrassment and shame come up for people as they talk about their thinking and episodes.  Sometimes we can have bizarre or irrational thoughts.  This sometimes compounds the issue making it a private problem and keeping us from reaching out for help and support.

One may need to prioritize and not do too many things.  One may need to look also at what is happening in their spiritual life.  It was St. Anthony the Great (250-356 AD), the father of monasticism, said that he “know longer feared God, but loves him.”  By this, he is not saying that he didn’t have a healthy or reverential “fear of God.”  The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  But we are talking about freedom from fear that was brought on by sin brings and how perfect love can cast out fear.  As we progress in our healing from sin through love, we gain freedom from fear and anger.

[learn_more caption=”1 John 4:17-19″]

1 John 4:17-19
17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19We love Him because He first loved us.

Most of us cannot say that we have been made perfect in love, and thus we struggle with some form of  Anxiety or Anger because of our sin.  But we an actually use our  Anxiety or Anger to help us get closer to God.  So it is not something to be eradicated, but to be channeled.  We should fear our own mortality so that we can make every opportunity to repent today, right this moment.  God can then transform our minds and help us change our thinking.

We often get anxious over the wrong things.  We often worry about temporal things, clothing, shelter, food, and provision.  We worry what people think of us.  Yet we don’t worry about sinning.  If we have a healthy fear of God and a healthy fear of sinning, we would be fearful of saying judgmental things or criticizing our brother.  If we could only have a phobia of pornography or a fear of offending our spouse and children.[/learn_more]

We need to remember that God loves us and has everything we need for salvation and freedom from  Anxiety or Anger .  May God grant this to us by His Grace.

Anxiety or Anger a Christian’s Way Take a Free Anger Quiz

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