

👍Anger causes a widespread negative effect on the body.

Medical and psychological research has shown that no matter how much you exercise or eat correctly, you are putting yourself at risk if you do not manage your anger. Angry thoughts causes a widespread negative effect on the body. It is important to understand what happens to the body when you get angry. In a

👍Anger causes a widespread negative effect on the body. Read More »

👍Is there medication available for anger management problems?

Many people who come to our anger management programs, they want quick fixes. Often we have people saying to us, is there a drug, is there a pill, a magic pill they can take which will help the anger to stop. Unfortunately, there is no drug that is going to help you to manage your

👍Is there medication available for anger management problems? Read More »

👍Anger and The Cycle of Violence

Many people who are in abusive relationships say that the violence follows a pattern. It does not happen randomly; rather, it often occurs in a repeating cycle that is made up of three phases. Phase 1: Tension-Building The abuser is argumentative, angry, uses yelling, criticism, swearing, and angry gestures. Sometimes the abuser will use coercion,

👍Anger and The Cycle of Violence Read More »

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