
Managing Anger –Scripture and Meditations

Managing Anger –As a result of the increase anger and stress many are turning to Scripture/Bible and Meditation/Yoga/ Labyrinth for anger management.

The 3 Biggest Causes Of Anger In Relationships

Love is great and all, but that’s not to say relationships can’t be incredibly stressful. A new survey of over 1,000 people conducted by online therapy service Basis identified the most common causes of anger within a relationship. Here are the top three ways our love lives can anger out—and what to do about them: […]

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How Anger Affects Women Differently Than Men

Everyone inevitably grapples with anger in their day to day life, with millions of people around the world suffering from serious health complications derived from hyper-angry lifestyles that seldom see moments of rest. What too few people understand is that anger impacts everyone differently, and that sex in particular can have a drastic impact on

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The effects of anger on your body and how to deal with it

When one thinks of anger, they almost always think of it negatively. Anger is widely seen as a detriment to health that taxes a person’s heart, disrupts their sleep patterns and makes it seem like they’re holding the world up on their shoulders. Biologically speaking, anger in the short term isn’t bad in and of

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Mindfulness-Based Online Anger Classes

Mindfulness-Based anger  Reduction is an eight-hour course that will help you learn about the physiology and science of anger. You’ll learn about a variety of mindfulness techniques – like guided instruction, gentle stretching, mindful yoga, mindful communication, and daily practices. Online Anger Classes is about taking control of your life, being aware of influences that

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Is there such a thing as good anger?

Most people associate anger with negativity — and given the word’s traditional usage, that association makes sense. As defined by the Oxford English dictionary, anger is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Despite that gloomy interpretation, some anger can, in fact, be good for you. How

Is there such a thing as good anger? Read More »

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