

One out of five Americans has an anger management problem. Anger is a natural human emotion and is nature’s way of empowering us to “ward off” our perception of an attack or threat to our well being. The problem is not anger; the problem is the mismanagement of anger. Mismanaged anger and rage is the major cause of conflict in our personal and professional relationships.

👍Anger and The Cycle of Violence

Many people who are in abusive relationships say that the violence follows a pattern. It does not happen randomly; rather, it often occurs in a repeating cycle that is made up of three phases. Phase 1: Tension-Building The abuser is argumentative, angry, uses yelling, criticism, swearing, and angry gestures. Sometimes the abuser will use coercion, […]

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👍Who is Angry and appropriate for Anger Management?

Any person who inappropriately expresses anger or is angry at everyone. Their behaviors are generalized. The victim can be anyone (supervisor, co-worker, friend, family and stranger). A person with an anger management problem does not have the tool/skills to manage anger and therefore is likely to lash out an any person towards whom they have

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Who is appropriate for BIPP

👍Who is appropriate for BIPP?

Any person who is abusive (physically, sexually, verbally and emotionally) towards an intimate partner (spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, dating relationship). The abusive behaviors are targeted at the intimate partner. Battering of an intimate partner is not an anger management problem, as a batterer is not likely to be abusive towards any other person. Battering is a systematic

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Online Anger Classes

Registration and Evaluation

We are committed to provide services to anyone who may be in need, making them affordable and available for all.. Therefore our Sliding Fee Scale is be based on an individual’s income and family size. Organization and business are negotiable.   Office hours are: Monday thru Thursday             Friday and Saturday 8:00 am – 9:00

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