
Christian Men and Anger

You can count on feeling angry sometimes in our fallen world men and anger is not be justified.  But if you allow anger to run wild through your mind, it will manage your thoughts and behavior, filling your life with its destructive power and hurting people around you. Thanks to your relationship with Jesus, however, you can control your anger so it won’t manage you.

When you understand your true identity in Christ – as a good man with access to God’s Spirit to assist you to overcome sin – you’ll be able to think and act more like Jesus when you get angry.

Here’s how you can learn to manage your anger like Jesus did while He was on earth :

Men and Anger – Good and Bad

Distinguish between good and bad forms of anger.  Anger is a natural emotion that arises whenever you encounter a situation you perceive to be wrong.  You can either process and express your anger in sinful ways – such as yelling at your wife or driving aggressively – or you can handle anger in ways that fuel a passion to advance God’s kingdom work.  Ask God to assist you to see situations that make you angry from His perspective, so you’ll learn to recognize the difference between good and bad anger.

Men and Anger – Your True Identity

Understand your true identity.  Your true identity is in Christ, but when you allow anger to take over your thoughts and behavior, you’re allowing your flesh to steal your identity and define who you are.  When you get angry, remind yourself of who you really are, and pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you to subdue your anger and direct it in the right ways.

Men and Anger – Turn to God

Turn to God for the respect you require.  God has wired you as a man to have need of respect, but that need can become distorted so that any real or perceived act of disrespect can trigger inappropriate anger.  If you’ve got a deficit in your respect bank, you may try to use anger to force others to treat you respectfully, but that will only lead them to disrespect you more.  So whenever you feel anger due to disrespect, refuse to act on your initial impulse to explode in verbal or physical anger.  Instead, remind yourself of how much God loves and respects you (it would help to memorize Bible verses like John 3:16 and John 17:23) and quickly pray for God’s help to act like a man of infinite worth even when you feel otherwise.  Then determine whether the words and actions that have angered you are real or perceived acts of disrespect.  In either case, don’t just react to your anger.  Manage your response as God leads you to do so.

Men and Anger -Let Go Of Control

Let go of attempts to manage others.  People who don’t comply with your wishes can make you mad – from a child who doesn’t do chores to a fellow worker not following your instructions.  But you can’t manage other people.  While it’s fine to give people advice, you can’t make them take it.  Since God doesn’t impose His will on others, neither should you.  Ask God to enable you respect other people’s freedom to make their own decisions.  Decide to trust God to work in other people’s lives, changing from them from within in ways that you could never do yourself.  Have faith that God will work in other people’s lives when you pray for them rather than react angrily to them.

Men and Anger – Pride and Humility

Trade pride for humility.  Pride can deceive you into thinking that you must be right on all topics, which leads to anger when others disagree with you.  But if you pray for humility, God will give you an accurate view of yourself as a person with weaknesses who needs God’s grace.  Read and meditate on Bible verses about humility, such as Philippians 2:3-8.  When you get angry, ask yourself whether or not your anger is justified, and consider how you can use your anger in the way God wants you to do s to serve others.  Don’t let pride prompt you to argue with others to try to set the record straight.  Pray for God to allow you to see other people’s points of view.  Wait until you can be calm before you talk to them about how they’ve treated you.  Have power over your thoughts, words, and actions in obedience to God.

Men and Anger Control – WebMD Men’s Health Center – Find men
Anger can be both healthy and unhealthy. Learn what causes it and what you can do to make it work for you, not against you…men and anger.
Christian Patriarchy to men and anger. – You don’t have to grow up

Christian Patriarchy to Men: You don’t have to grow up!

Expect a reaction of confusion mixed with anger and righteous indignation. It’s incredibly ironic that the movement insists on training any sort of willfulness out of children completely, but turns around and fosters it in its…men and anger.

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 :Christian Men and Anger


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