
Court Ordered Classes

Anger State Certified Court-Ordered Classes can be taken online for free.

Anger Management 8, 12, 16, or 24-Hour Class, which promotes an abstinence-based model to help participants recognize anger problems and eliminate inappropriate expressions of anger.

Court Ordered ClassesCourt-ordered anger management classes are made for a variety of different reasons. The order may be the result of someone having an argument with a stranger, friend, or family member. The court can order the classes because they are of a more serious nature, including domestic violence cases, especially because the police were contacted and involved. The judge is the individual who has to determine the severity of each case. These types of anger management classes may also vary from classroom instruction to online courses.

Educational groups use a didactic method to impart information to offenders. Pre- and post-tests are utilized to determine offenders’ retention of the material presented. In many sessions, offenders participate in exercises designed to allow them to immediately practice the information presented. The majority of the exercises involve the offenders working together in sub-groups and presenting their completed project to the group for feedback. This promotes cooperation between offenders and results in greater group cohesiveness. Overarching all groups are the themes of addiction as a disease and personal responsibility for behavior.

There is a beginning, a middle, and an end to anger. Most of us are familiar with the aftermath of anger. In order to control anger, one must understand anger. What triggers anger; what does anger feel like; what are the consequences; and what is the predominant way that anger is expressed? These are the behavioral aspects of anger. There are other aspects to anger. What are the beliefs surrounding anger? And finally, understanding the biological factor of anger will round out the picture of anger. Anger management is not just “stop being angry.” You have already tried that. Now try something else and regain your life.
[ click her for online class]

Other Mandated Court-Ordered Classes

  • Texas Minors in Possession
    • A 6-hour state-mandated alcohol awareness court-mandated class for minors
  • Texas DWI Education
    • A 12-hour state-mandated alcohol education class required for 1st DWI offense
  • Texas DWI Intervention/Repeat Offender Program
    • A 15-week state-mandated alcohol education class required for two or more DWIs
  • Texas Drug Offender Education Program
    • A 15-hour state-mandated class for persons convicted of certain drug offenses
  • Texas 18-Hour Advanced Alcohol and Drug Awareness
    • An in-depth informational drug and alcohol class to educate the substance abuser

 Some court-ordered classes can be taken online for most states

:Court Ordered Classes

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