
Dealing with anger and stress during protests

Anger Management can help protesters to deal with stress.

The anger from protests occurring on a daily basis – both locally and across the country – can have a serious impact on a person’s stress level.

Kari Whatley with the Equine Therapy Group says these protests are impacting people in a big way because negative emotions spread faster than positive emotions.

“Seeing things repetitively will remind you of events in your own life that made you feel fearful, or helpless, or angry,” she said. “A lot of the things we feel when we watch these riots and the things we’re all experiencing right now.”

These feelings Whatley addresses can stick with a person all day. To help cope with the stress and anger Kari said “stepping away from the media for a while… as much as the media and news is important, it’s also a smart thing to limit the intake of social media and how much you watch the news. It’s a good thing to be informed but not over informed.”

For more advice about Anger Management watch the full video above.

We all hate it when we’re forced into a stressful situation, but let’s be honest here; most of the time stress doesn’t just show up in our lives out of nowhere and completely ruin our mood. No, quite the contrary actually. Think of stress as more of a ladder. The more unfortunate events you need to take part in the more steps you climb up on that ladder, until you eventually just sort of end up having a nervous breakdown caused by all of that stress buildup. The higher you get on that ladder the more likely you are to suffer greatly when you can no longer handle all of that stress anymore.

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