
Effective Anger Management at Home

Effective Anger Management at Home

Today’s question is who isn’t dealing with anger? It seems as though everyone you know has some type of anger in their lives. Most families consist of two people who work along with a couple of children.

Just the daily task of getting everyone up and out of the door each morning is angerful enough. Then on top of that you have to deal with your job, your boss and fellow co-workers. No wonder everybody is angered out these days!

Effective Anger Management at Home
Once you arrive home in the evening your day doesn’t stop. You are now faced with getting dinner, helping with homework and doing chores around the home. How can you possibly deal with all of this and keep your sanity?

One of the first things you can do to relieve anger is to prioritize things. This includes homework, after school activities and the housework. For example if you can leave the laundry and vacuuming until the weekend then do so. Then delegate these chores to all your family members. Even very young children can be given tasks to do such as putting away shoes in the closest and helping clean things up.

Effective Anger Management at Home

If your child has a ton of homework to do then see what needs to be done first. This will also allow you to help them reduce their own anger levels too. Do the homework which needs to be handed in first. This can also reduce the amount of homework that has to be done in one night.

Look at just how many after school activities your children are participating in. If it is more than two things maybe it is time to cut back. This frees up both your child’s time and your time.

Another important thing to help reduce anger is to make time for the family. Try to plan one evening a week where you do something as a family together. This could be make dinner together or sit and watch a movie or play some type of game.

Effective Anger Management at Home

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