
Love your heart: manage your anger

When we think about heart disease and strokes, we think about risk factors such as smoking, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and excessive alcohol consumption.
The month of February, which has been declared Heart Month by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, is a great opportunity to take on the other big enemy of a healthy heart: anger. This is the perfect time for all of us to incorporate some anger relieving techniques into our daily lives.
A certain amount of anger can be a good thing, but too much of it should be avoided. Undue anger can stem from major life events such as losing a job or divorce or even from daily worries such as traffic jams, busy family schedules, or interpersonal conflict. Its main symptoms include anxiety, headaches, stomach and bowel problems, and muscle tension. Anger can also cause an increase in cholesterol levels or blood pressure and can result in a narrowing of the arteries.
Managing anger first requires that you understand what is preventing you from feeling relaxed, whether it can be directly resolved or not. The next step is to become more physically active, which will help you flush out the anger hormones in your body. Try not to bottle up your emotions; share your feelings with loved ones.
Try to set aside some time just for yourself and take regular vacations from work. Eating a healthy, balanced diet should also be a priority and, last but not least, make laughter a part of your daily life. Laughing is a great natural mechanism for relieving anger and it is guaranteed to leave you feeling good.

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