
Online Anger Classes 8-24 hours

Anger Management Courses 8,12,16 and 24 hour blocks are design to satisfy all state mandated requirements because of the advanced technology Online Training and Certificate System that allows you to complete the courses using your smart phone and interface with your face book account.


Anger can be debilitating; anyone with anxiety will tell you this. While people deal with angerors in different ways, our bodies all react quite similarly. You may have heard talk of adrenals, or seen adrenal support tinctures or concoctions for supporting a healthy anger response. This is because your adrenals, which are glands located above each kidney, control specific hormone production. One of these hormones is called “cortisol” and is increased as your body’s response to a angerful environment (3).

Your Body’s Anger Response

When you’re faced with a angerful situation, your body can’t distinguish the threat of financial insecurity from being chased by a bear, and it creates the same internal environment. This response is supposed to be relatively quick, increasing your blood pressure and making you more alert so you can get out of a potentially perilous situation and then go back about your day. When we worry about things, that cortisol level rises.

When we’re chronically worried or anxious, cortisol is in our system for longer than necessary, which can lead to a bulk of health issues. These include a weakened immune system, digestive issues, heart disease, insomnia, depression, skin irritation, and many more (4). This is why it’s incredibly important to have certain strategies in place to help reduce anger in our daily lives.

In our present time, I’m sure everyone is dealing with their own different angerors and maneuvering around obstacles that wouldn’t have existed a month ago. Anger-relieving teas or tinctures are a great ally to have on hand right now. Lavender, chamomile, calendula, motherwort, rose, rosemary, and St. John’s wort are all great herbs for relieving anger and tension in the body. Gail Edwards writes that nettles are invaluable at “restoring adrenal function” (1), so if you suffer from chronic anger, a nettle tincture might be a must-have.

At the farm, we drink a soothing tea made up of our house tea blend (see my earlier lemon balm post for the recipe) with added chamomile and lavender flowers. On top of that, I also take a rosemary tincture to help promote mental clarity and untangle some of the things I’m worried about. Rosemary is a great aid for the whole nervous system, especially when dealing with “fatigue, exhaustion, and anger” (1).

I happen to feel everything in my gut when I’m angered, so I like to massage calendula oil right onto my stomach and neck. Taking the time to care for yourself is a huge part of healing, so make sure you’re setting time aside, or taking advantage of those precious moments when you can just breathe and check in with yourself.

A 2014 study on chronic anger and pain in the body mentioned that “Anger may be unavoidable in life, and challenges are inherent to success; however, humans have the capability to modify what they perceive as angerful and how they respond to it” (2). Though it may not seem like it sometimes, we have the ultimate control to determine what angeres us out and why.

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