
Online Anger Management for Anxiety

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Today, we might have advanced to great heights in terms of technology or education. But when it comes to our physical or mental well-being, things are pretty bad. One in seven Australians experiences some form of anxiety disorder, which is almost equal to 2.71 million people.

It’s quite natural to feel anxious and angered to the point where you think you might need external help. In case you too have a lot of anger and strain going on, here are a few tips for you.

1 Stop alcohol and Drug use

It’s pretty easy to lose yourself amidst the anger and start binging on alcohol. While it might seem like a good idea at first, consuming too much liquor can harm both your mind and your body in the long run. Smoking also may give you temporary pleasure but permanent lung problems.

So it’s important to ditch those harmful habits and consume a healthy diet. Having a balanced meal comprising proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals will relieve anger greatly.

  1. Exercise

Sounds boring, but exercise is an amazing way to drive away anger and anxiety. You don’t need to join a gym if you don’t wish to. Just a bit of brisk walking or jogging every morning will do wonders for your mind.

You can also consider training with light weights or movement activities like yoga. Aerobic exercise has been shown to release a hormone named endorphin, which reduces anger.

  1. Stop consuming tobacco or nicotine

As already mentioned, keeping tobacco or nicotine products at bay will definitely help you to control your anger and anxiety. While they can temporarily relieve anxiety, in the long run, they add more to the anger.

In the end, most people get addicted to these products and experience withdrawal symptoms once they’re not consuming them. Instead of going through a painful rehab process, it’s much better to stop using them right from the start.

  1. Practice relaxation techniques

Exercises like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation are also good ways of reducing anger and anxiety. Take a bit of time out every day- just an hour or so- and practice them.

There are many amazing apps that can guide you to practice these exercises and help you relax. Although some require certain purchasing costs, most of them are absolutely free.

  1. Take medicines

In case you see your anger isn’t reducing at all, taking medicines might help. Always remember to consult a certified physician before taking any kind of supplements or pills.

If you’re already taking medicines, remember to consume the appropriate dosage every day. My Medadvisor is a great app that reminds you to take your medication at the set time.

It takes care of all your prescriptions and also notifies you before your current medicine is about to get over. With its amazing AI-powered technology, you will never skip a pill.

  1. Refuse at times

Very often, we add to our anger and pressure by accepting heavy workloads. Maybe you really want that promotion or you just can’t seem to say no to someone.

But when too much work affects your mental health, it’s important to refuse. Politely say no the next time your boss asks you to do that extra shift in work.

It might be a tough thing to do but explain to them that extra work deteriorates your mental peace. Having a balanced amount of work will also help you to excel in the job you do by taking some load off.

  1. Have a regular sleep schedule for Anger Management

When you establish a proper sleeping schedule, you’ll notice so much of your anger and strain slipping away. Wake up every morning after a good night’s sleep and go to sleep early.

Don’t use your phone at least an hour before going to sleep. When you practice this norm regularly, you’ll notice how much your mental health has improved.

Over to you…

While there are many ways to reduce anxiety and anger, these seven ways are the most useful and widely-practised ones.

The most important thing to remember here is to acknowledge the source of your anxiety and try to eliminate it in the smartest way possible. Talk to a therapist or counsellor if things get worse and always remember that you are never alone.

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