
Our Services

New Hope has designed a curriculum   for individuals who need to take courses for court ordered requirements, or at the request of their employer, or for personal reasons.


Texas DWI Intervention (Repeat Offender) Program: Article 42.12, Section 13(j), Code of Criminal Procedure requires persons convicted of subsequent DWI offenses to attend a program for “repeat offenders” approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Failure to complete the program will result in the offender’s license being revoked until the program has been completed.

New Hope’s R.O.P.

The Texas Department of State Health Services has approved New Hope DWI Intervention Program.  Our certification number is DWII 1353 and the Program Administrator is Clausell Stokes. This standardized program is 32 hours in length and is designed for multiple DWI offenders and/or others who have alcohol or drug-related problems for which the first offender program was not designed to address.

New Hope’s DWI Intervention Program’s purpose is to intervene in the alcohol/drug abusing lifestyles of the offenders in order to encourage entry into treatment as well as to prevent further substance abuse-related problems.

[learn_more caption=”Specific course topics include”]

  • Lifestyle issues
  • Values
  • Self-esteem
  • Positive thinking vs. irrational beliefs
  • Responsibility
  • Physiological/psychological effects of drugs
  • Alcoholism
  • Chemical dependency
  • How substance abuse effects family members
  • Co-dependency
  • Al-Anon
  • Treatment options
  • 12-Step Self-Help Groups

·     Peer pressure

·     Relapse prevention

· Problem solving and Personal  action planning

Eligibility for New Hope’s R.O.P.

Individuals mandated through the Texas Department of Public Safety with multiple DWI offenses, and/or alcohol / drug-related problems for which the first offender program was not designed to address. Individuals who are referred by a judge; those who are referred by a Community Supervision and Correction Department (CSCD) officer; those who are referred by their employer (Employee Assistance Programs) or anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge regarding substance abuse. A minimum of 3 participants are


Section 521.371-521.377, Texas Transportation Code (formerly Article 6687b, Section 24B, Texas Civil Statutes) states that persons convicted of misdemeanor or felony drug offenses will automatically have their licenses suspended for a period of six months.

In order to have their license reinstated, they must attend and successfully complete a state approved education program on the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse.

New Hope’s D.O.E.P

The Texas Department of State Health Services has approved New Hope Drug Offender Education Program.  Our certification number is DOEP 1378 and the Program Administrator is Clausell Stokes. The standardized program is 15 hours in length, conducted over a period of 5 days, 3 hours each day.

New Hope’s Drug Offender Education Program is designed to increase the knowledge of drug/alcohol offenders by educating them on:

Current drug laws

Skills needed for lifestyle changes

Consequences of drug use/abuse on individuals and society

Myths that drug use is glamorous

Dynamics of drug/alcohol use and their effects on the body

Dangers of drug/alcohol abuse and associated illegal activities

Identifying individual drug/alcohol-use patterns

Developing a personal action plan

Specific course topics include:

  • History of drug abuse
  • Drug/DWI laws
  • Dynamics of drug use
  • Drugs of abuse
  • How drugs work
  • Cost of use and abuse
  • Health issues, HIV, other STD’s
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • De-glamorizing drugs use
  • Values, attitudes and behaviors
  • Past and desired behaviors
  • Getting control of your life
  • Resource options
  • Personal action planning

Eligibility for New Hope’s D.O.E.P

Individuals mandated through the Texas Department of Public Safety convicted of a felony or misdemeanor drug offense; those who are convicted of an offense against properties who are referred by a judge; those who are referred by a Community Supervision and Correction Department (CSCD) officer; those who are referred by their employer (Employee Assistance Programs) or anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge regarding substance abuse. A minimum of 3 participants are needed to conduct class.[/learn_more]


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