
Ten Tips for anger Management

anger managementDid you know 70 percent of adults in the United States say they feel anger and anxiety? So, 7 out of 10 people are angered on a regular basis. A more alarming stat that I found recently shows that 74 percent of employees say work is their leading cause of anger, and research also shows there is a 20 percent increase in Monday morning heart attacks in the workplace. So, there are a lot of angered, unhappy people heading home from work each night!

Some of this anger may not even be noticeable to others. Anger can be both physical and mental. Most anger is inevitable, in other words, it’s going to happen to everyone. The keys to it are how to manage and relieve it, because as noted by the previous statistics, an intense prolonged exposure to anger is very harmful to you. Anger can be helpful as well. Many people need a certain amount of healthy pressure to increase performance. The right amount of pressure can give you energy, ambition and enthusiasm, but too much anger can harm your health, relationships and outlook on life and business.

While each person is different and anger may affect each person in different ways, in today’s article I want to offer some suggestions that may help you manage your anger in a controlled, intentional and healthy way.

1. Reduce Caffeine

Too much coffee, tea or chocolate has become trendy. Additionally, energy drinks can increase your anxiety and not in a good, healthy way. Different people have different tolerances for caffeine, but if you notice you become jittery or anxious, that can become a gateway for higher anger levels.

2. Spend Time with Stable Friends

The key word here is stable. It isn’t going to help you no matter how much of an affiliation or connection need you have, to hang out with people who are just as or perhaps more angered and drama-filled than you are. Make sure the people you choose to hang out with are of the very calm and stable variety.

3. Laugh More

Comedy can be wonderful for your high anger levels. It’s very hard to keep your angered feeling when you are laughing, especially if you can use something that causes you to laugh at the source of your anger. Laughter can also help you improve your moods and immune system.

4. Get Comfortable with Saying No

Sometimes you may feel angered because you have said yes too much. You over-agreed and over-committed yourself way over your capacity. You feel overwhelmed, but it is in your control because it is of your own doing. Being selective about what you agree to do and help with can help you with your overload.

5. Practice Tai Chi

Tai Chi is designed to help condition your body and focus your mind with slow and flowing movements along with controlled breathing. Anger relief and Tai Chi are perfect partners.

6. Good Music

Always keep a playlist that can stimulate you into better moods and feelings. When I hear the opening notes of “Take It Easy” by The Eagles, my anger makes a hasty exit, stage left.

7. Learn to Control Your Breathing

Anger sends signals to your body to release harmful hormones, faster heartbeats and shallow breathing. You have to be self-aware enough to detect these signals and regulate yourself into a more steady, healthy breathing rhythm to bring everything in subjection to you, not your angered emotions.

8. Pets

Having a loving pet may help reduce your mood triggers and angered feelings. Scientists believe that interacting with pets can help you release a brain chemical called oxytocin, which promotes more positive feelings and moods. The peace your pet has can also rub off on you.

9. Document WHY Your Anger Triggers

It isn’t enough to know how to reduce your anger, you also need to know what triggers your anger so you can control them. Why does a certain thing or situation anger you out? It’s because of how you think about it. Change the way you think about that thing and anger melts like a snowball in July.

10. Exercise

Putting some physical anger on your body can help relieve mental and emotional anger. You can enjoy more benefits if you exercise regularly. When you do that, you are more likely to experience less anger and anxiety than those who do not regularly exercise.


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