
Anger Issues

Tips to deal with Anger Issues for a Happier Life !

Anger issues is more likely to topple you, any time you’re not looking after yourself. Put yourself first. These ten strategies can enable you stay heading in the right direction:

1. Make time for yourself. Learn to relax for half hour daily. That will bring comfort from chronic anger issues. Listen to the music you like, sketch pictures or paint or dance. I often sit in my backyard and watch the birds eat and drink. Observing nature relaxes you. Just drive to a distance and learn to enjoy mountains or water. Read a book of interest in that atmosphere. Explore and do what works best for you.

2. Figure out how to relax: Take a deep breath. Close one nostril and breath with the other for 15 seconds, hold the air for 15 seconds and release through the same nostril for 15 seconds. Do this seven times through one nostril and repeat using the other. This will enhance the oxygen within your lungs via deep breathing.

3. Observe your thoughts. Avoid negative thought like ‘ I am hurt, someone said this or I have lost my job what is going to happen to my future, children are not doing well, my health is not good;. Quite the opposite encourage positive thoughts within your mind by sayings the exact same as  ‘I’m not hurt, furthermore this is part of the game, people have their own opinions, or I need this break and I is required to be alright in the future, my children are children they will get better. My health will improve when I eat right, exercise’. Your thoughts are inside your control. Learn to manage your thoughts.

4. Exercise regularly. Exercise may also help keep depression and anxiety at a distance. Just half-hour each day benefits the body as well as the mind. Regular walking, water aerobics, swimming helps your entire body.

5. Eat right. A diet abundant with fruits, vegetables and whole grains can provide you with more energy to keep anger issues under control. People tell you about protein. It is available in plenty in beans. Soak them, sprout them and cook them. try a vegan diet. High powered animals like horses, elephants eat grass. Don’t just believe in caffeinated drinks. They do not give sustained energy.

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6. Be proactive. Expect challenges and be prepared to handle them. Whatever challenge you face, being prepared helps you face anger issuesful situations with confidence.

7. Laugh a lot. Humor is an effective way to relieve anger issues. People who live alone don’t have that much opportunity to laugh. Watch comedy programs in TV, join the humor club or play using your neighbor’s children. Laughter releases endorphins that enable you to feel better and maintain a positive attitude. Whenever you need extra help.

8. Manage your time. Do what you can with what you might have at any given time. Do not over exert yourself. read my article on Time management with ideas to follow.

9. Find support groups: An array of books, websites and support groups are dedicated to helping people get through tough times. Figure out and join them Share your challenges with friends, an outside perspective makes all of the difference. Believe a higher power is running the show. Spirituality also helps to handle anger issues.

10. Never whine. Don’t complain or whine. Things happen and so they happen for a reason. Learn to just accept them. Don’t let situations or people pull you down. Accept life since it comes and you’ll experience less anger issues.

Anger Issues  for a Happier Life !

Anger issues is a part of life and we cannot eliminate them. Sharpen your right tools to keep anger issues from taking over your life. Use them on a regular basis and don’t let them rust. When you strictly follow these, you might experience a peaceful, anger issues free life. Nothing, absolutely nothing can shake you.


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 Anger Issues  for a Happier Life

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