
Your Spirit and Anger management

Our online anger management classes are accepted by most court, probation officers and county magistrates in most US cities, Canada, Puerto Rico and New Zealand

Berkeley UniversityThe Merriam-Webster dictionary has a number of definitions for the word spirit but the pertinent one in this case defines the word as “An animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms.”

It is the spark of life within us that rules our emotions, provides our motivation, and essentially makes us who we are.

When someone suffers a traumatic event and becomes withdrawn people may make the off handed remark that their “Spirit is broken.” In a sense this is correct, their drive and their spark of positive emotions are at a very low ebb.

Is your spirit light and free? Do you enjoy feelings of inner peace? Negative emotions take the fight out of us so we need to find a way to heal our bruised spirit and find joy once again.

  1. Anger management can help you more be more giving

Emotions such as sadness and anger are very damaging to our spirit and can leave us feeling anxious and depressed. In order to lift our spirits, we must seek to replace negative emotions with positive ones. According to Berkeley University, being charitable can actually help us find these positive emotions. (

The act of giving materially or donating our time to a worthy cause can produce feelings of happiness, contentment, gratitude, and a boost to our wellbeing. The smile on the face of someone you have helped is contagious and it is very healing to the spirit.

  1. Get into Nature as part of your Anger management

The National History Museum in London, England suggests that getting out for a walk in nature is beneficial for both mind and body. The Greek physician Hippocrates claimed that walking was the best medicine and he was not wrong. The quiet of the outdoors can be as soothing as the fresh air you breathe in. (

When your spirit is feeling battered and bruised, find some time to connect with nature. Take in the beauty, stretch your legs, and clear your mind of negative thoughts. Even our ancient ancestors likely took walks to calm their concerns.

  1. Anger management can help you release your Frustrations

According to therapist Jennifer Rollin MSW, LCSW-C suppressing our emotions can be very damaging to us. Rollin believes that when we try to dull negative emotions, we also end up becoming numb to the happy ones. (

In order to deal with the things that make us sad or crush our spirits we have to face them and express them. We need to understand our feelings before we can begin to handle them and try to move beyond them. So do not hide from your negative emotions, work through them, process them and then let them go. This will help you heal emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

  1. Creative Outlet is away a part of Anger management

Doing something artistic takes a lot of focus and can be very calming. It can be anything from writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, photography and more. When we spend time creating something it allows us to escape our negative emotions and heal our souls. It can also allow us to express hidden emotions.

  1. Spend Time With Good Friends

The Mayo Clinic suggests that there are a host of benefits to having a solid group of good friends.

These can include:

  • A feeling of belonging and purpose
  • Boost in happiness
  • Decrease in stress
  • Boost to self-confidence
  • Support to help you through trauma
  • Inspiration to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices

These benefits are key tools with which to strengthen and heal our spirit. The influence of good friends can boost our moods and provide support and help when we need it the most. (

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