
4 Ways To Handle Work Anger During The 4th of July

4th of July

4 Ways To Handle Work Anger During The 4th of July

Anger Management online

We all know the holidays are angerful—either because of work, travel plans, anticipated family gatherings, and more. Research shows that 38% of people say their anger levels increase during the holidays. If you fall in that categories, here are some active ways you can manage this anger, according to Microsoft Principal Researcher and Design Strategist, Margaret Price. In her role at Microsoft, Margaret has enabled teams to gain a deep understanding of people and identify areas for growth and innovation, by building and scaling empathy-driven playful, immersive, and, experiential methodologies. Her experience has equipped her with the ability to solve conflict and improve productive or handle anger, especially during busy times.

Get ahead

Be proactive and take inventory of the work that needs to get done over the holidays. While thinking about your workload may cause anger, you’ll be better prepared to tackle your responsibilities once you know exactly what they are. Make a list of the priority tasks and run them by your manager to set you both on the same page. Planning is key during angerful times; you’ll be glad you got ahead of potential confusions or miscommunications.

Be self-aware

Check in with yourself and examine your current workload, and be realistic about what you can take on. You may be tempted to try to do it all in less time than you typically need, but you may encounter burnout. You don’t have to do it alone either. Figure out what you can delegate or what can wait so that you’re working in the most effective way. We pour energy into so many things without asking ourselves, “Is this really how I want to spend my time?” Carving out a few minutes to plan first can make a huge difference.

Take small steps

Start your day by creating a must-do list, breaking the day’s top priorities (both at home and at work) down into smaller steps. Doing so helps make them feel more manageable. Research shows that increased mindfulness of how time is spent reduces anger and increases task completion.

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