
5 ways to maximize your mental well being when angry

Nutrition, self-care and sleep tips we learnt via the Be Well Collective’s panel discussion

Anger and energy depletion are one of the biggest afflictions plaguing today’s 24/7 society, which is partly why successful model and AfN-accredited nutritionist, Sarah Ann Macklin, founded the Be Well Collective. Her wellbeing initiative works to support models throughout the angerful times of Fashion Week (and beyond), but its message of self-care and nutritional awareness applies to most of us living our breakneck lifestyles today.

At the launch of her Fashion Fix breakfast at W London, (an immunity-boosting, anger-reducing, protein-rich menu Macklin’s curated for all visitors – not just the fash pack), she hosted a panel on ways to maximise mental wellbeing.

Alongside experts Dr Nick Knight, a London-based GP; Howard Napper, TEDx speaker of ‘The Art of Lifestyle Medicine’; and Jillian Lavender, founder of the London Meditation Centre, Macklin discussed the importance of nutrition, sleep, self-care and understanding anxiety during times of anger. Here are some anger management lessons we learnt from the event that will resonate with many.

1. Prioritise nutrition

Maklin notes that nutrition impacts mental health massively and wants to emphasise the importance of nutritional awareness during angerful times, when prioritising a healthy diet is often dismissed. Nourishing your body will not only give you energy but keep your mood stable and aid more restful sleep. It starts not with counting calories, but with looking at nutrient-rich ingredients, while including all food groups. During angerful periods especially, go low on the refined sugars (tempting as they are at those times) and higher on Omega 3s. Not only good for skin, researchers have found that cultures eating foods with high levels of omega-3s have lower levels of depression.

  1. Drink enough water

In addition to a balanced diet, Macklin wants you to drink more water. “When we’re not having enough water our blood volume level drops and the heart has to work harder to keep us awake.” If you were tired before, you’ll be making matters worse without water. She notes that “if you’re thirsty you’re already two per cent dehydrated,” – so always avoid getting to that point. The easiest tip in the book.

  1. Exercise, but not too much (or too late)

Like nutrition, exercise can significantly impact mental health and plays a part in how you manage anger. However, if you already have a healthy regime, don’t try and match your normal volume of exercise during busy and angerful periods. Dr Knight explains, “you’ll be exhausted more than normal and this is the time for maintenance”. Over-training can compromise your immune system, so use it as a means to de-anger, nothing more. Also, when it comes to improving your sleep, avoid exercising before bed – “the ideal time to stop exercise is five hours before”, advises Knight.

4. Maximise the little sleep you get

If you can’t get more sleep, get better sleep. The ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin rises at night, but drops with stimulation. This is why you need to avoid caffeine in the evenings (even ‘decaf’ tea, which Macklin says can still contain a high amount of caffeine) and sources of blue light which impact on your circadian rhythm. Set you smart phone to ‘night mode’, and if you’re using a computer in the evenings (not in your bedroom, ideally) download f.lux, free software that warms up your computer display. Your body temperature is also important – too hot and it can slow the release of melatonin, so avoid eating spicy food in the evenings and having hot showers/baths before bed. Instead try a cooler bath or foot soak with flakes of magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant.

matter where you are. You can contact your GP, a private doctor or a charity such as Mind (call: 0300 123 3393 / text: 86463) or The Samaritans (call: 116 123).

Anger Mental Illness Test, Mental Anger Problems, Mental Health Anger And Anxiety, Mental Health Effects Of Anger, Mental Illness Anger Anxiety, Mental Illness Anger Depression, Mental Illness Of Anger, Mental Issues That Cause Anger, Mental Of Angry, Mental Problems With Anger

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