Helping Offenders

Our New Hope Offender Empowerment Program H.O.P.E. (Helping Offenders Pursue Empowerment) believe that each human being has limitless potential and worth, even those who have struggled with a dark past can find brighter days ahead. We believe that by helping former offenders who’ve paid for their crimes  — we are helping them build new lives as productive members of our society.

H.O.P.EOffenders. helps addicts and users break the chains of addiction and find a better way of life. We answer the call to love our neighbors as we’d like to be loved ourselves. And in the process, we’re helping offenders replace anger, suffering, and despair with faith, hope, and love.

Traditional Treatment Services for Criminal Offenders

New Hope Counseling Program believes that chemical dependency is a complex, chronic, and progressive disease with physical, psychological, and social consequences.  Not least among the social consequences is the violation of state and federal laws…more>>
New Hope provides treatment services that assist criminal offenders in recognizing the connection between criminal behavior and alcohol/drug use and to take responsibility for their choices.

All services are provided in a caring, supportive, and non-judgmental environment.  All services provided are held in the strictest of confidence.

Chemical dependency is a disease that affects the whole family. For that reason, family members are actively encouraged to participate in our program. We believe that cognitive restructuring does require some cognitive skills methods, as does cognitive skills require an objective, systematic approach to identifying thinking, beliefs, attitudes, and values. Cognitive learning is intellectual learning and involves thinking, remembering, interpreting, analyzing, reasoning, problem solving and understanding.

Our primary goal is to assist each client in full recovery and reintegration by maintaining a drug, alcohol and crime free lifestyle. Contributing to this outcome are the following process goals:

  1. To lead the client through counseling to accept that chemical dependency has become self-destructive and to honestly explore its impact on personal and family functioning.
  2. To lead the client to detach from the illicit culture and criminal activity associated with chronic patterns of chemical dependency.
  3. To facilitate the client linking with peer support groups that reinforces healthy lifestyles and provides social identity.
  4. To assist in the resolution of family and relational problems, restructure family roles, eliminate enabling behavior and enhance family problem-solving skills.
  5. To help the client create, maintain and actively engage in a personal plan for long-term growth and recovery.

Benefits to society resulting from providing such treatment to ex-offenders with recovery issues are well documented. According to the Department of Health and Human Services National Treatment Improvement Evaluations Study, substance abuse treatment results in a 64% decrease in arrest rates and a 19% increase in employment among participants in treatment programs cognitive-behavioral based curriculums:.

  • Thinking For a Change by the National Institute of Corrections
  • Terence T. Gorski’s Recovery Program for chemically dependent criminal offenders
  • Terence T. Gorski’s Relapse Prevention Program for Chemically Dependent Criminal Offenders in conjunction with Relapse Prevention with Chemically Dependent Criminal Offenders by SAMSHA TAP 19