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Online anger management class is among the most widely accepted, comprehensive, affordable and effective way to gain anger management skills.

👍Is there medication available for anger management problems?

Many people who come to our anger management programs, they want quick fixes. Often we have people saying to us, is there a drug, is there a pill, a magic pill they can take which will help the anger to stop. Unfortunately, there is no drug that is going to help you to manage your […]

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👍Anger and The Cycle of Violence

Many people who are in abusive relationships say that the violence follows a pattern. It does not happen randomly; rather, it often occurs in a repeating cycle that is made up of three phases. Phase 1: Tension-Building The abuser is argumentative, angry, uses yelling, criticism, swearing, and angry gestures. Sometimes the abuser will use coercion,

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👍Who is Angry and appropriate for Anger Management?

Any person who inappropriately expresses anger or is angry at everyone. Their behaviors are generalized. The victim can be anyone (supervisor, co-worker, friend, family and stranger). A person with an anger management problem does not have the tool/skills to manage anger and therefore is likely to lash out an any person towards whom they have

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Who is appropriate for BIPP

👍Who is appropriate for BIPP?

Any person who is abusive (physically, sexually, verbally and emotionally) towards an intimate partner (spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, dating relationship). The abusive behaviors are targeted at the intimate partner. Battering of an intimate partner is not an anger management problem, as a batterer is not likely to be abusive towards any other person. Battering is a systematic

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