
Techniques For Anger Management at Work

Anger in a layman’s terms can be described as anything that poses a threat to someone’s well being.

Credit: flickr Dan McCullough

It is a feeling that people have when they are overburdened or when they are struggling to cope with work demands, financial demands and other situations.

Almost everyone feels overwhelmed and excessively busy at one point or the other and therefore they have a lot on their plate to deal with on a daily basis.  Workers often get distracted at work too and also a good number of people working in large organizations often experience some sort of downsizing at one point or the other as well, and as a result face certain fears about their work.  As a result of all these, people lie awake at night thinking about the events of the day as the day passes.

One may then ask if it is entirely possible to be focused throughout the day and also have enough strength to get things done at the end of the day.

Anger Management at work

Management of anger at the workplace usually requires some involvements from organizations as they contribute majorly to the anger one undergoes. Involvements from Organizations may vary from structural to psychological.

Structural involvements of organizations include the physical structure of the workplace, work schedules and so on while ”psychological” involvements of organizations on the other hand may include ergonomics which makes a staff work comfortably at their desk, it may also include social support and breaks (coffee and lunch).

An organization therefore owes it a duty to create a healthy and safe working environment for their staff to work in.

Listed below are some measures that can be taken by workers on their own to manage work-related anger;

Anger Management helps analyze situations

Most times anger gets to us whenever we feel things are going out of control. As a result of this, the hormones are triggered and before you know it the general well being of a person gets affected. It is then advisable to analyze your situations from time to time to know what you can or cannot handle at work so as not to get overwhelmed by anger.

Exhale is part of Anger Management

Anytime one feels overburdened or anytime one is trying to break free from a tense situation at work, one can take a deep breath and exhale for a couple of minutes to let out all the frustration and anger and regain some freshness, by so doing we will be having a sigh of relief.

Plan your schedule for Anger Management

Many a time, we get disturbed by calls, errands whether official or unofficial, deadlines of tasks to be completed at work and so on. Although it might be quite difficult to control most of these disturbances however, one can choose when to respond to the tasks, errands and so on. You can do this by prioritizing the tasks, prioritizing errands,prioritizing calls according to their importance. Some of those disturbances may have been coming everyday before for you to know the next time they will be coming so you can know whether or not the calls, errands, tasks are important.

Take breaks for Anger Management

Working long hours at a stretch at work will make them achieve a lot more but rather, their productivity level drops and anger sets in and as a result they leave their places of work drained of so much energy they have almost nothing left to be used at home. In order to manage anger in such a condition it is however advised you should try to have breaks occasionally to walk around, play around the office a bit, stretch out the body parts. All these tricks will go a long way in reducing the build up of anger and will help restore energy and zeal to last you the whole day.

Having a good amount of sleep

Sleep is a very important recuperation time for the body, therefore one needs sleep in order to calm the fray nerves.Inadequate sleep can make one have accumulated anger. If you don’t sleep well, then you can’t get the amount of rejuvenation the body needs, some people work double shifts, day and night and barely even sleep and even people who have to travel a far distance to get to work and back. It is however very important to sleep well.


Anger Management tips, work-related anger can be eradicated or reduced to a tolerable level.

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